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Perry Speaks Out on Border Governors Meeting

Texas Governor Rick Perry is telling fellow governors that unless they have their annual border states meeting in Arizona, he won't participate.  The meeting of border governors that's been taking place every year for nearly 30 years was due to be in Arizona this year, but all of the Mexican border state governors wrote Arizona Governor Jan Brewer saying they wouldn't participate because of the state's controversial law requiring officers to check immigration status. 

Brewer cancelled the meeting, and since, there's been talk that the meeting might be moved out of Arizona so it could still take place.  Rick Perry says thanks but no thanks to that idea, telling the Fox Business Channel he's told Brewer either the meeting happens in Arizona or he won't take part.  In spite of his show of support for Brewer and Arizona, Perry says he still does not think an Arizona-style law would work in Texas.

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