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Perry Slams New York In Radio Ads

AUSTIN (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry is poking fun at New York ahead of his upcoming trip to convince employers there to move to Texas.

In $600,000 worth of radio spots that begin airing Wednesday in New York City and Albany, he scoffs at the state's "'new' New York" promotional campaign.

The Republican says: "The new New York sounds a lot like the old New York. Higher taxes. Stifling regulations. Bureaucrats telling you whether you can even drink a Big Gulp."

Perry's five-day visit to New York and Connecticut officially begins Sunday.

It follows his recent job-poaching trips to California and Illinois, which also featured ads criticizing those states.

Perry's latest tour already includes $1 million in television ads promoting Texas' pro-business, low-regulation climate. The radio ads will air on nine stations.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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