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Perry Makes 2nd Job-Poaching Trip To New York

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry is making a second trip to New York, hoping to convince employers there to move to Texas.

The Republican leaves Tuesday for a three-day visit featuring meetings with business leaders and a reception sponsored by the public-private partnership funding his trip.

Last June, Perry made a similar visit to New York. That one was announced by radio ads in New York City and Albany, poking fun at what Perry said was the state's high taxes and stiff regulations.

Perry has led similar job-poaching tours to the many states with Democratic governors, including California, Illinois, Missouri and Connecticut.

The governor always touts Texas' "business-friendly climate," but hasn't prompted any major employer to move.

Perry isn't seeking re-election this fall, but hasn't ruled out a second run for president.

(© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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