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Perry Hopes Polling Surge Spurs Donors Nationally

AUSTIN (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry's on a mad dash for cash. He's reaching beyond his traditional base as he tries to build a fundraising machine large enough to compete with Mitt Romney's.

Perry is a prolific fundraiser in his home state. But Texas money won't be enough to bankroll a presidential campaign.

The overall success of his candidacy could hinge on whether he can convert his recent surge in opinion polls into cash. That's why he's courting donors far and wide.

On Monday, Perry held two Oklahoma fundraisers. He dined with donors in Dallas on Tuesday, held a breakfast fundraiser in Austin early Wednesday, then headed to New Orleans and Houston.

Perry also has upcoming fundraising trips planned for California and Washington, D.C.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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