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Perry Confirms Texas A&M To SEC Rumors

DALLAS (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry says that as far as he knows, "conversations are being had" about the possibility of Texas A&M eventually leaving the Big 12 for the Southeastern Conference.

He was responding to a query by The Dallas Morning News reported online Wednesday.

The governor is a former Aggie yell leader. His comment exceeded speculation about a move that's been abuzz on Twitter and message boards in recent days.

But Perry did not say whether the conversations were merely internal or involved direct talks with the Southeastern Conference.

Texas A&M stated that President R. Bowen Loftin is "committed to doing what is best for Texas A&M not only now, but also into the future."

It said the university has "wide-ranging conversations" on all aspects of the college.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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