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Perry Campaigns In Heated Texas House Race

LUMBERTON (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry is expected to campaign on behalf of state Rep. James White.

New political districts means White is battling another incumbent, fellow Republican Rep. Mike Hamilton. The race turned nasty last week when Hamilton released records that show the Livingston school district gave White a warning letter about holding inappropriate sexual discussions while teaching high school in 2007.

White was elected to the Texas House in 2010 as part of the tea party wave. Perry endorsed him for re-election before Hamilton released White's personnel records, which were obtained under the Open Records Act. Perry is scheduled to appear with White in Lumberton Thursday afternoon.

Hamilton has represented East Texas since 2003. White's supporters have complained that Hamilton is not conservative enough and has violated state campaign finance rules.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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