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Perry Calls For Repealing Health Care Reform Law

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry is calling for the repeal of the White House-backed federal health care reform law and urging Washington to stop trampling states' rights.

In a statement Wednesday reacting to Barack Obama's re-election, Perry said Obama has "a chance to start over" and should "take steps this time to govern responsibly."

He said the president "can put an end to his reckless disregard for our rule of law and spare our nation another long, painful and expensive four years."

Perry briefly sought the Republican presidential nomination against Mitt Romney but flamed out after a series of public gaffes.

He said voters must force Obama and Congress "to once and for all cut spending, repeal Obamacare and withdraw federal encroachment into state decision-making and personal liberties."

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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