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Parents Say Dallas School Zone More Like Danger Zone

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - "The car hit me," said 5-year-old Faysul Ali, explaining the scrapes on his head and arms, hesitant to talk about the accident. Ali's most serious injury is a deep gash down his right foot, which keeps him from walking.

Just as classes had let out at Truett Elementary School last Wednesday, the kindergarten student rushed across the street to look for his mother. She was running late that day. A passing driver could not stop fast enough, police said, and hit the child.

"He said, 'I'm dying. I'm dying, mom. I'm dying, grandmom,'" Ali's father said.

This was the second such accident at this school in less than a week. The Friday before, a 6-year-old stepped off of the sidewalk and in front of an SUV. That crash left the student in critical condition.

Police said that neither of the drivers were at fault, and no charges were filed.

Kevin Vega is the 6-year-old first-grader's classmate and friend. Vega is still shaken up by the Friday accident. "He's sad about it," Vega's mom said. "He don't want to talk about it because it really hurt him. It's his friend."

The Dallas Police Department has increased patrols and traffic enforcement around the school. Parents have also noticed more administrators outside, trying to keep students in line.

"Once they ring the bell, every child or every student will go outsid, anywhere they want," said Ali's father. He would like to see a fence or gate installed to keep the young children from running into the street until their parents arrive.

Ali is now tethered to a machine that prevents infection, and slowly recovering. His father is still in shock at hearing that he had almost lost his son. "I was really… collapse… falling down… I fall down, really," said Ali's father.

A meeting is scheduled at the school for Thursday to discuss ways to keep children safe.

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