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'Pacman' To Address Rookies At NFL Symposium

NEW YORK (CBS SPORTS) - Adam 'Pacman' Jones is, in all seriousness, the perfect person to speak to rookies about the troubles of being a young, famous athlete with lots of money. And Roger Goodell's asked him to do just that at the league's rookie symposium later this month.

"The message is, this is not a joke. At the end of the day you have to treat it like a business," Jones said. "And you're a business owner and every decision you make is a reflection of you."

Jones is perhaps the most infamous case of an NFL player who crossed the law -- and Roger Goodell -- early on in his career. There were character concerns with Jones when he was drafted, since he was already on probation. And the first few years of his career are littered with off-field incidents, culminating in the "making it rain" incident at the 2007 NBA All-Star Game that eventually lead to a one-year suspension from the NFL.

Jones hopes that speaking on a panel to the incoming NFL rookies will show them that it's possible to change in the NFL, and that everything that goes on in their lives as public figures is "a reflection" on them as people. "What you do on the field, what you do off the field, it's all a reflection of you," Jones said.

Now with the Cincinnati Bengals, Jones is playing for his third team, one of which has been the Dallas Cowboys.

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