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One Year After Tornado Threw Trailer Into Home, Family Returns

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Diane and Jesse Wilmore of Dallas are still busy settling into their brand new home— one unadorned by a tornado tossed 18-wheeler tractor trailer.

"This is where the other trailer actually was here," says Diane… pointing to the area where a new dining room table now resides. "Yeah, came right through there," adds Jesse, "the front part went through this wall and pushed the chair and everything up that way."

Even now, they say, the close call gives them chills.

"Sometimes we're still in shock," says Diane. "We would have been in the house when that happened, and I would have been in the room where the truck actually fell."

A year ago, as the spring sky turned dark and ominous, the Wilmores decided to leave early for work. Minutes later, they looked back and saw one of the many tornadoes that would terrify North Texas that day. Still, they couldn't begin to imagine what would happen next.

"That took my breath away, right there," a dumbfounded Jesse then told us. "I mean, a whole trailer up inside your house and you don't know how it got there. The fence ain't broke down, so evidently it came from the air."

And indeed it did… picked up from a lot, several miles away.

"I thank the Lord that I'm still alive," says Jesse, "because it was a close one… I can tell you. Yeah, we really had guardian angels that day."

Whether guardian angels, intuition, or simply grace—the Wilmores say their outlook on life, now, is as new as their home.

"We hope we never have to go through that again," says Diane. "But, we're more cautious now, we take the weather alerts seriously now. We didn't before. But, now, we don't take anything for granted… not anymore."

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