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Officials To Discuss Astrodome Revamp Funding

(credit: David J. Phillip-Pool/Getty Images)

HOUSTON (AP) - The fate of a plan to renovate the Houston Astrodome, an iconic stadium that's fallen into disrepair since it was shuttered four years ago, might be in the hands of voters this fall.

Harris County commissioners were set on Tuesday to decide if they will place a measure on the Nov. 5 ballot asking voters to authorize up to $217 million in bonds to pay for a plan to turn the stadium into a giant convention center and exhibition space.

County officials say if the measure is put on the ballot and approved, it will mean a property tax increase.

The renovation project, dubbed "The New Dome Experience," would take about 2 1/2 years to complete.

The stadium has been vacant since 2009, when it was deemed unfit for occupancy.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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