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Officer Helps Homeless Man Shave So He Can Apply For Job

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (CBS NEWS) - A Florida police officer's act of kindness is going viral after he was seen on video helping a homeless man shave his beard so he could apply for a job at McDonald's. According to a post on the Tallahassee Police Department's Facebook page, a witness captured the deed on camera over the weekend.

Kelly Duvall sent in a picture and video to the police department after her daughter filmed an officer shave a homeless man's beard outside a Circle K gas station on Thomasville Road, CBS affiliate WTSP-TV reports. She explains her daughter went inside the store and encountered Officer Carlson, who was cleaning himself up.

"She offered to buy him a drink and got talking," she wrote. "Apparently the officer was at McDonald's next door and this gentleman went in looking for a job. He was told they wouldn't hire him unless he shaved his beard. So the officer went and got some clippers and shaved the man's beard so he could go back and get a job!"

"I am so proud to live in a community where our deputies and officers are such wonderful people. Good job Tallahassee Police Department!!!" Duvall wrote. The video now has more than 24,000 views on Facebook.

Carlson told the Tallahassee Democrat he saw the man named Phil trying to shave his beard, but he didn't have a mirror and was having trouble with a razor. So the officer fixed the razor and shaved his thick beard for him.

"If he's wanting to help himself, I need to be more than helpful and try to help him out the best I can," Carlson said. "Hopefully from this, Phil will get a job."

And on Monday, Phil returned to the McDonald's on Thomasville Road and officially took an application, according to a company spokesperson.

Juan Vazquez, who is the McDonald's owner/operator of this location, told CBS News, "We are always looking to hire those who go the extra mile at my restaurants and this gentleman has proven himself to be willing to do just that." Vazquez added, "We look forward to having him come in to complete the application process and sit for an interview."

Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that the man is in the process of completing the application process; he has not yet been hired.

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