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North Texas Red Cross Volunteers Heading East To Assist During Hurricane Florence

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - While communities in three east coast states are evacuating ahead of Hurricane Florence's expected landfall, American Red Cross of North Texas volunteer Cathy Sager is getting ready to head into the storm.

"I would want somebody to do this for us if the table was turned," she said. "It's something that I can give back to the community."

Sager has wanted to do disaster relief work since she was a kid and said now as a new retiree, she can.

On Tuesday morning, she joined about a dozen other American Red Cross volunteers heading to North Carolina. Volunteers said once they arrive they'll set up two types of shelters, some for short-term relief and others for longer stays.

"Those will have cots, supplies, food, water and all the things people need to make themselves more comfortable during extended stays," volunteer Dan Halyburton said. "As always, Texas steps up when there's a disaster."

The American Red Cross volunteers will be working alongside the Texas Baptist Men who will be bringing in big trailers. They have about 40 tilt skillets and ovens inside, giving volunteers the capability to feed up to 25,000 people a day.

"This is basically a portable commercial kitchen," Texas Baptist Men State Disaster Relief Director Terry Henderson said. "The Red Cross and the Salvation Army provide the food."

To help, both organizations say financial donations are best right now since they don't know exactly what future needs will be.

To donate to the American Red Cross, text 9099 to give $10 to their disaster relief fund.

To donate to the Texas Baptist Men's disaster relief fund, click here

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