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North Texas Rallies Support Boy Scouts Ban On Gays

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The Boy Scouts of America National Annual Meeting will take place next week in Grapevine. Among other things, Scout leaders are expected to vote on changing the policy that excludes gay members and leaders.

In anticipation of the vote and upcoming conference, two protests are being held today in North Texas.

According to their website -

"OnMyHonor.Net is the nationwide coalition of concerned parents, Scout Leaders, Scouting Donors, Eagle Scouts and other members of the Boy Scouts of America who are united in their support of Scouting's current membership policies and their opposition to the proposed resolution which requires open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts."

Founder by John Stemberger said, "If we change the policy and allow open homosexuality within scouting it will fundamentally change it forever."

The proposal is to continue the ban on openly gay scoutmasters and other adult leaders, but BSA Executive Committee Member Nathan Rosenberg explained that openly gay Scouts would be allowed. "Every point of view and every position was represented also we came together unanimously to support this resolution," he said. has organized more than 40 protests across the country. From New York to L.A. "Rally For Scouting" protests will happen at local time.

According to Stemberger, people from all walks of life are taking part in the rallies. "It'll be parents. It'll be older Eagle Scouts. There will be Scout Masters and just the general public that support scouting and we're saying no to the resolution," he said. "Gays can be a part of scouting, they just can't act out. They can't engage in politics and flaunt sexuality. That's just inappropriate for kids."

The Circle Ten Council in Fairview and Longhorn Council of Hurst are both holding lunchtime rallies.

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