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North Texas Preschoolers Vote For New Mascot

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FLOWER MOUND (CBSDFW.COM) - A preschool in Flower Mound has found a great way to explain the election process to even the youngest of minds. Primrose School of Wellington is empowering children to cast their own ballots on Monday for either Percy the Rooster or Billy the Duck.

The goal of the mock presidential election is to teach young kids about their civic duty. There are about 75 preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, taking part in the activity. And they know that every vote counts in this race for the school's new puppet mascot.

Even though the children are too young to understand the hot button issues in the real election, the preschool election has still managed to open up a bigger conversation. Educators have used the activity to teach the students about playing fair, avoiding name calling and keeping their hands to themselves.

Parents said that the school's mock election has made it easier to talk about the actual election at home.

Students had to show voter identification cards prior to casting ballots, and received special "I Voted" stickers after exiting the voting booth. The results will be announced later on Monday afternoon.

Meanwhile, other Primrose School campuses across the country also held their own mascot elections on Monday. At the N.E. Green Oaks campus in Arlington, Billy the Duck won by just five votes. But the activity was not meant to be about winning and losing. "We want children to enjoy giving back to their local community," said N.E. Green Oaks owner Lynne Groff. "Voting is a great way for each of them to get involved and feel connected."

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