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DFW Couples Rally To Support Gay Marriage

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - With signs and speeches, more than a hundred people spilled over onto the street, at the intersection of Oak Lawn and Cedar Springs in Dallas, sharing their support of same sex marriage.

Donna Harvey and Sheryl Kaminsky came to Monday's rally, cautiously optimistic they might finally see change.

Seven years after they legally wed in California, the pair still fights for the rights given to most married couples.

"My wife has no medical benefits, even though I'm a disabled veteran and spent 7 years fighting for my country," said Harvey.

Tuesday, the US Supreme Court will consider whether states can ban gay marriage, reviewing California Proposition 8, which lower courts have overturned.

Wednesday, they will look at the US Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal benefits to legally married same sex couples.

A ruling against either could have an impact nationwide.

In Texas, where voters overwhelmingly chose to ban gay marriage 8 years ago, conservatives worry the court will overrule their vote.

"I think it has already been decided. I think most states have already decided and put in their vote and cast their vote for the definition of marriage between one man and one woman," said Kate Gilpin with the Texas Eagle Forum.

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