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Fort Worth Church Goes Virtual For Christmas Celebrations: 'Christmas Happens In Your Home, Where You Are"

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - Throughout the pandemic, many places of worship have had to take services online to ensure the safety of their members.

But with Christmas approaching, a day when many typically hold large programs, a church in Fort Worth is getting creative to celebrate virtually.

"We just began to creatively think about ways to connect with people without having to be together," said Dr. Carroll Marr, senior pastor of Southcliff.

For the past 32 years, the church has hosted their annual singing Christmas tree program as well as their Christmas Eve and Day services.

But with no way to social distance with such large crowds, they said they just couldn't have any either this year. That's why they created a virtual series called "The 12 Days Before Christmas," creating and releasing one video a day leading up to the holiday.

"What we're demonstrating is that Christmas happens in your home, where you are," said Dr. Marr.

The idea is meant to show that to celebrate the season you don't have to be in a place of worship. As they know many will consider skipping services altogether this year.

"Many of the people that are in those at risk categories do not come to church on Sunday morning…even now," Dr. Marr said.

Some of the videos are stories, while others are fun songs. All of them lead up to a final Christmas Eve message from their senior pastor at home with his family.

Proving it will be a unique Christmas Eve for all, filled with new family traditions. They hope their virtual idea helps encourage other churches get creative with how they spread the word this season.

"Christmas for me is a wonderful celebration, but some of my greatest memories are not what happened in a church service somewhere but what happened in my house in the living room," Dr. Marr said.


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