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Texans Hopeful For Jobs Ahead Of Obama Speech

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - America continues to hobble along to an economic recovery.  The President will speak Thursday evening detailing his plan to right the country. You can watch the speech at 6:00 p.m. on CBS 11.

On Wednesday, the government said employers advertised 3.2 million jobs in July – the most in three years.

With the National Unemployment level at 9.1 percent, some North Texans are hoping for some help.

"I've been looking for work it was 2 years in June," says Sandra Flower "Surely there is something out there."

Fowler has sent out dozens of resumes and feels frustrated.  Her position was eliminated at her local bank.

Dave Fischer is another North Texan who ran a consulting company, but was forced out of business when one big contract ran out.  "It's rough out there," says Fischer "I've been looking every day.  I've written to companies in the local area and around the country."

Roberta Moss was a Marine and has never been unemployed before now.  "I've been unemployed for 4 months," explains Moss "I never thought it would take me 4 months to get a job.  The responses are very slow if any."

Brenda Fennel has been looking too.  She had to get a job after her husband couldn't work anymore.  "I'm not afraid to work hard.  All I want is a job," says Fennel.

The group of North Texans say they've looked everywhere and had no luck.  They hope President Obama keeps people like them in mind when he addresses a Joint Session of Congress Thursday about the nation's continuing unemployment problem.  "I want to hear truth and more don't talk just do something," says Fowler.

Fischer says "I don't know if I will hear anything good I think that's sad.  What I would like to hear is some kind of job program."

The group says more jobs from overseas needs to be brought back to the U.S.  They just hope what the President says will resonate and more importantly help them.

"I'm hopeful I really am hopeful," says Fennel "All I want is a job for the President to follow through with his promises."

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