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North Texans Celebrating With Family Half A World Away

DALLAS (1080 KRLD) - World leaders agree it's only a matter of time before Muammar Gaddafi is out of power in Libya. And some North Texans have been watching with a vested interest.

Like other members of the Libyan-American society of North Texas, Omar bin Halim has relatives in Libya.

A couple weeks ago, Halim was able to visit Benghazi for the first time since Gaddafi's supporters were kicked out. He wanted to know how they did it. They wanted to know about Halim's life before Gadafi.

He says the change in Libya is obvious. Very pro-American, optimistic and ready to give the country back to the people.

Omar bin Halim talks with KRLD's L.P.Phillips


Watching a revolution involving your family half a world away, He left Libya 35-years ago and now this proud American is proud of his relatives.

Read more on the Libya situation from CBS News

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