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NFL Has Plan For Snowy Super Bowl

NEW YORK (CBS SPORTS) - We're coming off a nice run of weather during the week of Super Bowl XLVII in which you could comfortably walk the streets of the French Quarter wearing shorts and a T-shirt or sporting trousers with a light long-sleeve-shirt. The weather, except for one rainy day, was pretty much outstanding.

That's not likely to be the case for Super Bowl XLVIII when the NFL will invade the New York and New Jersey area during winter to play its most important game in an outdoor stadium. One that will provide none of the comforts of, say, the Superdome (hopefully, New York/New Jersey won't have forgotten to pay its power bill).

Anyway, the Sports Business Journal is reporting that the NFL actually does have a contingency plan in case a blizzard strikes the area (you know, like what the region is still digging itself out from). "The league is considering various options that include the possibility of delaying the contest several days in the event of a weather emergency on game day," the SBJ writes. "The league even could decide to play the game on Saturday if faced with an ominous forecast, sources said.

"While contingency plans are in place for all events of this magnitude, the New York/New Jersey setting offers new challenges for the NFL. It is not a typical snowstorm that concerns the league but rather a weather crisis like a nor'easter, something that is capable of shutting down the city."

Yes, shutting down the city during Super Bowl week wouldn't be a great thing. Not to mention the tunnels and bridges that connect New York and New Jersey, with teams and media moving back and forth throughout. Even without any snow it's tough logistically. With snow, well, it could be a bad, bad scene.

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