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New iPhone Reception Problem

Did you get a chance to grab one of the new Apple iPhone 4?  If so are you noticing  an increase dropped calls?

You are not alone.   Millions have pre-ordered or lined up for days to get their hands on the latest iPhone.  But only hours after activation, people are starting to notice that they are experiencing more and more dropped calls.  

 Customers are discovering that if they hold the phone closer to the bottom, their hands are inadvertently covering part of the antenna, which causes reception and quality to drop considerably. 

Improved reception was one of the key new features on the new release.   So far, Apple's response to this reported problem has been swift.   Their solution, however,  isn't exactly what owners were expecting.  

Apple's official solution is to "change the way you hold the phone to get better reception."

Stay Tuned.....

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