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New Frisco Restrictions Limit Watering To 2x's A Month

COLLIN COUNTY (CBSDFW.COM) - Twice a month -- starting today that's how many times Frisco residents can water their lawns. The new restrictions are part of the city's newly adopted water rules.

Outdoor watering using automatic sprinkler systems is restricted to once every two weeks. Residents can water grass and landscaping by hand up to two hours per day except between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The water schedule coincides with residents' designated trash days.

In a statement Gary Hartwell, the Director of Public Works, said, "During this continuing drought, we're asking residents to please use hand-held hoses, drip systems and bubblers to water your lawns, landscaping and trees. We also encourage folks to use soaker hoses to protect their foundations."

City officials voted to change Stage 3 water requirements at a special meeting earlier this month.

"There's no question, Frisco has been on the leading edge of implementing successful water conservation programs," Mayor Maher Maso said in a press release statement. "But we need to do even more during the upcoming, critical summer months in order for all of us in the district (North Texas Municipal Water District) to avoid Stage 4."

Penalties for violators are staggered. First time violators will have their sprinkler system immediately disconnected and a red sign being placed in the yard, noting the violation. Additionally, a $25 fee is applied to the violator's next water bill.

The fee for a second violation is $50. Three-time violators must pay a $75 fee and are issued a citation.

Frisco adopted year round water restrictions in 2009. In 2011, Frisco averaged 227 gallons per person, per day. Last year, Frisco residents average dropped to 180 gallons per person, per day. "We believe our free irrigation checkups have contributed to more residents using water wisely," said Hartwell.

As it stands, the new restrictions will be in effect through October 31.

(©2014 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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