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NCAA Convention To Hold Vote On Football Championships

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AUSTIN (AP) - A vote at the NCAA's annual convention could have a huge impact on which teams make the College Football Playoff.

A proposal by the Big 12 Conference, set for consideration Wednesday in San Antonio, would deregulate how conferences conduct their championship games.

It would let the 10-team Big 12 play a title game without being forced to break into divisions or expand -- and it would allow the other major conferences to potentially tinker with their championships as well.

Conferences are currently required to have at least 12 members and two divisions in order to stage a title game between division winners. The Big 12 hasn't played a title game since it shrunk after the 2010 season, plays a round-robin league schedule and has shown no real appetite for expansion.

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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