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Napoli Has 2 Ways To Earn Extra $8 Million

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NEW YORK (AP) - Mike Napoli has two ways to boost his income with the Boston Red Sox to $13 million this year: stay on the active roster for at least 165 days or get 625 plate appearances with at least 120 days on the roster.

Napoli and Boston reached a $39 million, three-year agreement on Dec. 3, subject to a physical. After doctors detected a hip condition, the sides finalized a one-year deal Tuesday guaranteeing $5 million and allowing him to earn $8 million in bonuses.

Napoli would get the full $8 million for 165 days on the active roster, not including the disabled list.

If he doesn't achieve that, a second set of bonus opportunities kicks in: $500,000 each for 30, 60, 90 and 120 days on the active roster; $500,000 apiece for 300, 235, 350 and 375 plate appearances; and $1 million each for 400, 475, 550 and 625 plate appearances.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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