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Morning Storms Damage Houses, Fences, Trees

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - People across North Texas are cleaning up the storm damage after Monday morning's wild weather.

Strong winds knocked out power and damaged homes.

"The storm got really loud, really fast," said Fort Worth resident Amanda Zindt, who woke up to the sound of thunder and wind outside of her window around 5:00a.m. "There was a lot of thunder, lightning and you could hear a lot of banging and crashing."

While the worst may be over for homeowners, concerns for fire officials are sticking around.

Throughout Zindt's neighborhood, fences were knocked over, yard decorations and patio furniture overturned, and shingles were ripped off of roofs.

"This is the first time we've ever had this bad of damage," said Jim Treadway, who has lived in the neighborhood for seven years. "We needed the rain, but didn't need the wind like that."

The wind gusts were so strong they picked up a trampoline and tossed it across several backyards.

Now as residents clean up, fire officials are bracing for what could be a very busy week.  North Texas is under a red flag warning, and with windy weather expected for the next few days, any fire that sparks could spread quickly out of control.

"It's a really dangerous situation," said Tarrant County Fire Marshal Randy Renois,"With the wind speeds and gusts like we have today, it could move close to a half mile to 3/4 of a mile a minute."

Most of North Texas remains under a burn ban despite the early morning rainfall.

Tarrant County updates burn ban information daily on their website,

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