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More Love Letters Strewn By Texas Tornado Found

GRANBURY (CBSDFW.COM) - It all started last year, with a love letter—salvaged from the storm:  our peek into the lifelong romance of Robert and Glenda Whitehead.

"It really was a love story… still is a love story," says Robert's sister, Ann Whitehead Webb. Robert and Glenda both grew up in Fort Worth and met in a most unusual way.

"Bob and his Dad were on the roof, putting an antenna on the roof of their house, and Glenda was throwing rocks at him," recalled Jerry West, Glenda's brother.  "And he said, 'you better cut that out, you little red headed devil, I'm going to come down there and whip you'."

One of those rocks must have hidden an arrow, because it snared Robert Whitehead's heart and held on forever.
Glenda was just a girl and Bob not much older when they promised to love until death parted them—but, ultimately, not even death could keep them apart.

The Whiteheads died together in last year's Granbury tornado.  Although their heartbreak was magnified, family members on both sides agreed that it was best.

"She could not have gone on and he could not have gone on," says Robert's sister, Ann Webb.  "It was just meant to be."

One of the many love letters that Robert wrote during their 48 years together was picked up in the tornado and dropped in a neighbor's yard several miles away.  The letter began, "…my darling, Glenda…"

The finder wasn't looking for attention—she just wanted the letter returned.  The Whiteheads didn't have any children, so family members thought Robert's sister, Ann, should have the letter.  But, she had a better place in mind.  The Whiteheads, of course, were buried together.

"I put the original in with them," says Ann, "that was their letter." After all, something so sweet could only truly belong to the person for whom it was intended. Then about three weeks later, a stranger contacted Ann and wanted to meet. She'd heard about the Whitehead's lost love letter… and believed she'd found another.  The tattered and yellowing piece of paper was signed, "Love, Forever, Bob…"  Could it be?  It was.  This one, Ann decided she'd keep.

"I don't look at 'em all of the time," says Ann, her eyes filling with tears, "but, once in a while… it's hard."
It was enough that the grieving family could touch that fragile piece of paper and remember a love so strong that it defied even death.  They could remember an always adoring couple who promised to love forever, and meant it.

But, there was more.  The stranger offered Ann yet another letter… this one quite new. "The young lady said it was from her family.  But, if you read it… it's really from God."

The words-- still too touching, Ann says, to be read aloud.  "I wouldn't make it through the first word… it means that much.  I wouldn't be able to do that." Her voice, now, barely an emotion filled whisper. The letter writer handed her these words… dated May 24, 2013.

"God says for you (Ann) to tell all your family to be at peace and rest with your loss here on earth with Bob and Glenda.  For they are with Me now.  I know you all loved them, but remember I love them both more than you do.  One day you will understand my love fully.  Remember that I love each of you and I am your comforter, your peace, your mercy, and your love always—"

"For someone to go to that much trouble—to care that much for someone else, is overwhelming," says Ann, now wiping away tears. "It's like there are some angels floating around."
Just makes one wonder… whoever might have sent them?

(©2014 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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