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Mitt & Ann Romney Hold Dallas Fundraiser

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney arrived at the Dallas Hilton Anatole for his private fundraiser with a police escort and little fanfare.

But inside, Heath Cheek, a Romney fundraiser says, "Oh, he did a great job."

As is typical with fundraisers, tv cameras were not allowed inside Tuesday night's event.

Cheek of Dallas, is among the 500 people who attended Romney's private fundraiser.
He said Republicans gave the former Massachusetts Governor and his wife Ann a Texas-sized welcome. "Very strong, very enthusiastic -- they got a good reception."

Cheek says Romney made no mention of the remarks secretly videotaped at a Romney fundraiser in Florida last May when he said nearly half the people in the
U-S don't pay federal income taxes, and that they support President Obama.

The video was released by the liberal magazine, Mother Jones.
During the video, Mr. Romney can be heard saying, "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this President no matter what."

Among the big GOP names who attended Romney's Dallas fundraiser, retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and billionaire T. Boone Pickens.

Outside the hotel, Parks Stearns and others with Occupy Dallas, had a message of their own. "We wanted to let Mitt Romney know that even though he's coming to Texas to collect a lot of money, there are people here who disagree with him and his agenda."

Back inside, Romney told supporters, "The reason this economy is stumbling along, and so many people are suffering, is the president is trying to put in place something which is not the way America has ever worked before," Romney said, "I want to bring back America."

Cheek approves Romney's message. "Getting government out of the way making it smaller, making it work for the people, instead of people working for the government."

Cheek says he recruited 30-40 young professionals to attend. No word how much the Romney campaign raised.

Tickets to the general reception cost $2,500 per person.

Those who contributed at least $50,000 attended a more private dinner with the Romney's.

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