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9/11 Survivor Says Justice Served After Bin Laden's Death

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) –  Sujo John was working on the 81st floor of the North Tower on September 11, 2001. He keeps a plaque with signatures from everyone in that office. All 27 survived that horrific day.

"I still smell the smells of that day.I still feel the heat of that day," John said. "So, it's part of our life especially with what God has done with our lives since that day."

John said he's no prophet, but had a feeling regarding Osama bin Laden last night.

"Something in me told me. I felt that this was going to be the news," John said.

With confirmation of bin Laden's death, John found a measure of satisfaction.

"It's an issue of justice, that justice is met out," John said.

He also found a measure of peace.

"This is very personal for us knowing that there were many that were with me that died. I knew people that died," he said. "The man that saved my life, he died. And, the fact that I've met so many families that have lost loved ones."

So, for the first time in 10 years, John brought out a plastic bag carrying the ashes scraped from his clothing that day and memories of the moment his ministry was born.

"As the second tower was collapsing around me, I was huddled with 15 to 20 people and something in me said, 'where are these people going without Jesus?'" John said.

He prayed with them.

Since then, John said he's led thousands in a similar prayer. It's a testimony, he said, to what God can raise from the ashes.

Sujo John is now a minister of the gospel and travels the globe telling the world his testimony. You can read his full account from 9-11 and find out more about him here.

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