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Miles Defends His DISD Personnel Decisions

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A meeting about personnel issues within the Dallas Independent School District lasted late into Monday night, and Superintendent Mike Miles is taking responsibility for some controversial moves.

This was the first meeting for the school district's board of trustees to discuss a recent scandal in their human resources department. And board members arrived with questions for the superintendent, along with frustrations about how this investigation unfolded.

Miles defended his decision to allow Carmen Darville and another top human resources employee to resign last month, instead of them being fired. Darville was caught demeaning other employees in instant messages. At the Monday night meeting, trustees pointed out that the employees resigned with taxpayer money -- more than $100,000 severance.

The meeting was tense and lasted more than five hours.

Miles stated that it was a tough decision to make, and he stands by it. But he admitted responsibility for the tone that it set across the district. Miles also told trustees that he saw this as a serious matter, because he wants to root out any and all unprofessional behavior from the system.

The superintendent said that the district will start looking into getting more training on professionalism for office staff members, along with other steps to ensure that such a situation does not happen again.

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