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ME Report: DPD Officer Did Not Shoot Suspect In Back

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) -James Harper was not shot in the back as some believed. He was shot in the front four times.

Harper's death at the hands of Dallas Police sparked a near riot last week. Emotions continue to run high in the Dixon Circle neighborhood. Graffiti has cropped up on buildings and cars, "RIP G-CODE."

G-CODE was James Harper's nickname. Other profanity filled graffiti slamming police is also visible.

The release of the Medical Examiner's report on Harper doesn't help matters.

It does prove Harper was shot in the front: on the left side of the chest, on the left side of the abdomen, on the right side of the abdomen and on the left elbow.

Click here to read the report

Harper's longtime friends, who did not want to be identified, think the autopsy proves something else. "It proves the officer clearly assassinated him that's what it proves," Harper's friend said.

A woman, who only wanted to be identified as "Keish" said, "What would make you pull the trigger four times on an unarmed man. That's the whole picture to me. He's unarmed," she said.

The report just happened to be released on the same day the New Black Panthers group staged a profanity filled protest of the shooting, and other like it, in front of Dallas Police Headquarters.

A group member, who says his name is Darrin X, shouted into a megaphone, "There's a national shoot and kill policy on black and brown men."

Word of the autopsy report made its way through the group which was determined to see Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

Among them was a member of Harper's family. Porcha Gillyard grew up with James Harper, in her home. After viewing the report, Gillyard was nearly speechless.

"I feel like justice was not served by them killing him at all. Four shots? Four shots is overkill," she said.

Meantime, the drug house where it all began has been boarded up. Only flowers and balloons and Harper's friends remain nearby.

"I been knowing him since he was a child. He's not a perfect person. But he sure is not what they're trying to make him out to be," the unidentified friend said.

The New Black Panthers plan what they call a "walk through" the Dixon Circle neighborhood Saturday.

They were told if they wanted to see Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, they'd have to make a formal request.

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