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Marine Awarded Purple Heart, Asks Taylor Swift To The Military Ball

CARROLLTON (CBSDFW.COM) – Lance Corporal Tanner Ivie was awarded the Purple Heart. So, he already knew he had what it takes to ask Taylor Swift to the Marine Ball.

He even posted the invitation on YouTube.

"I just figured since I got my new leg, you would be the first person I would want to dance with," Ivie said on the video.

Ivie lost his foot in Afghanistan.

"We were clearing out a building, there was a pressure plate IED inside the compound we were in. I stepped on it and it detonated," Ivie said.

Ivie is still recovering at a Military Hospital in San Antonio but can Skype with his mother in Carrollton.

She seemed to get a real kick out of his dance invitation.

"What boy wouldn't want to go with Taylor Swift to a dance?" Cindy Ivie said with a laugh.

Tanner Ivie said he'd heard about other marines asking celebrities to the ball.

"I figure if anybody is gonna say yes or give me a response it's got to be her," he said.

Ivie even threw in a twist for Swift, playing off her song "Mean." He said that's what she would be if she didn't accept.

"I put her on a little guilt trip," Ivie chuckled.

Ivie admitted his buddies told him to say it for the video.

What he said he really wanted to tell her is, "Me and the rest of the Marines, especially me, would love to see your beautiful face. It's a good time and it would be an honor to have you come out."

Lance Corporal Ivie hopes some country music stations will help pick up his cause. The Military Ball is in November.

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