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Manziel Shuts Down His Twitter Account

COLLEGE STATION (CBS SPORTS) - Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel has decided to quit Twitter in an effort to eliminate distractions, the Heisman Trophy winning quarterback told ESPN. "I've kind of just shut it all off," Manziel said. "With how the media has been with me for a while, I just shut everything off."

"It's fun to have," Manziel added, "but it can get to be distracting at points."

Normally, whether college football players decide to tweet or not to tweet is not our business. But when Manziel became the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy, the media stopped treating him like an ordinary college football player.

Photos of Manziel hanging out at NBA games, enjoying spring break in Cabo San Lucas, and attending Mardi Gras have found their way to the blogosphere in recent months. Following Johnny Football's off-field adventures was slowly becoming a pastime for thirsty college football fans all across the internet.

Manziel recently came under fire for a fake Texas Longhorns tattoo -- that Manziel described as a dare -- that appeared in a picture, as well as a report of him shoving a graduate assistant during a spring scrimmage.

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