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Man Found Guilty Of Killing 3 Children In Crash

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM)  - A Dallas County jury found Xavier Taylor, 24, guilty on three counts of criminally negligent homicide for the March 2016 car crash that resulted in the deaths of three children.

During their deliberation, the jury determined Taylor's car was considered a deadly weapon and sentenced Taylor to 10 years in prison and an additional $10,000 fine for each case.

"Three precious lives were ripped from their parents in an instant because of Xavier Taylor's reckless behavior," said Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson. "That is why we sought the greater charge of Manslaughter. While we wish the jury had seen this case through the same lens as we presented it, we respect their verdict and ultimate sentence and we thank them for their service. Although we cannot bring these children back or ease the pain their family feels, we hope the family finds comfort in the justice we strived for on their behalf. We also hope that as Xavier Taylor serves his time, he will think about the lives he destroyed and the consequences of his actions."

Taylor was driving 98 miles per hour just before he crashed into the car that was carrying a mother and her four children, three of whom were killed, according to court documents.

"The defendant's actions silenced the voices and laughter of these three children forever." said Dallas County Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Balido during the punishment phase of the trial.

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