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Man Gets Life Back After ID Thief Sentenced To Prison

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GRAND PRAIRIE (CBS11) - For the last two decades, Marcus Calvillo, 45, was viewed as a sex offender, a felon and a fraud.

The Grand Prairie resident never committed any of those crimes.

Someone had stolen his identity and racked up rap sheet.

"Everywhere I turned around, everywhere I tried, it was one step forward, two steps back," said Marcus Calvillo, whose identity was stolen.

Over the past 25 years, any time potential employers would look Calvillo up, they would find a record of indecent behavior with a child, a record of fraudulent checks, bribery and other felonies.

He would never get the job.

"When I asked them why, all they said it, 'You know what you did.' And that was it," said Calvillo.

In reality, investigators said it was sex-offender Fernando Neave-Cenciceros, 42, who was committing the crimes. They said he stole Calvillo's identity when he illegally immigrated to the U.S. at 16-years-old.

"I didn't even want to fight about it anymore, there was a point where I just wanted it to end," said Calvillo.

But then Calvillo caught wind of a prosecutor getting justice in a similar case in 2013. He contacted the US Attorney in Kansas and three years later, the imposter was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison.

"He robbed me of a lot of things that cannot be taken back," said Calvillo. "There's no amount of money that could bring back the stuff that was taken away from me."

Yet Calvillo can still smile and feel hopeful about his future.

"Did I feel like I wanted to give up? Many times," said Calvillo. "But I have my children. Like I told the court, that's all I have left in the world."

He now also has his name once again.

"I just hope he uses this one year he got for all that he did to me to reflect on what he did. That's all I'm asking," said Calvillo.

Calvillo said he is hoping to use his now cleared name to get back to school. After all he has gone through, he is interested in law.

(©2016 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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