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LSD Found In Brownies That Hospitalized Teenage Girl

TROPHY CLUB (CBSDFW.COM) - The 15-year-old Byron Nelson High School student accused of giving his girlfriend brownies laced with marijuana this week is now facing even more serious charges. Trophy Club Police Commander Lee Delk says testing showed the brownies also had LSD in them.

The discovery of LCD takes the possible charge from a Class A misdemeanor to a state jail felony. The boy still claims that he got the brownies from someone else.

The 17-year-old girl's symptoms, which included losing consciousness in the nurse's office, led authorities to test the brownies.

"We've never heard marijuana alone causing the reaction that she got while she consumed the brownies," said Delk.

Delk also pointed out how rare LSD has been in Trophy Club in recent years.

"It's shocking to us. We have not run across LSD in Trophy Club in quite a long time," said Delk. "I've been there for close to 20 years, and I can't even recall a time when we ran across LSD."

The boy was initially taken to the Denton County Juvenile Detention Center and charged with distribution of marijuana in a drug-free zone. The charge could now be upgraded to possession of a controlled substance.

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