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Longview man pleads guilty to actions during Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol

WASHINGTON ( – A Longview man has pleaded guilty to two felony charges related to his actions during the Jan. 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Court documents say Ryan Taylor Nichols, 32, traveled to Washington, D.C. with his friend and co-defendant Alex Kirk Harkider based on their belief that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.

In a text message leading up to Jan. 6, Nichols sent Harkrider a photograph of body armor and pricing, saying the body armor would protect against various bullets.

In another series of messages to Harkrider, Nichols said, "Dad and I are building a gun container in the truck today. Just know I have intel that Washington will be a warzone. Big possibility that actual battle goes down."

They both brought two firearms with them to the Capitol. On the night of Jan. 5, 2021, Nichols and Harkrider attended a rally in Washington, D.C. 

On Jan. 6, Nichols and Harkrider attended another rally, in support of then-President Trump near the Ellipse before marching toward the U.S. Capitol. Nichols and Harkrider both wore body armor and attempted to breach the Capitol.

Nichols reportedly shouted to other rioters, "Get in the building, this is your country, get in the building, we will not be told 'No'," "This is the second revolution," "This is not a peaceful protest," and "If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon!" He also sprayed pepper spray that hit multiple law enforcement officers.

Nichols was arrested on January 18, 2021 and has pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers. Harkrider currently awaits trial.

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