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Local Egyptians Worry About Unrest Overseas

GARLAND (CBSDFW.COM) - Before walking past racks of sequined costumes and cases of ornate jewelry, visitors to Garland's Little Egypt export store are teased with exotic fragrances, incense and scented oils. But, there's something else that hangs in the air at Little Egypt: worry.

"I tell my son, 'please stay home, 'til I get you back here'," says owner, DeeDee Asad. "Please stay home."

Asad's husband and 16-year-old son, Nader, are in Cairo this summer. She says their home is just minutes from the square where clashes between the military and supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi today turned deadly.

"I'm so worried. I'm calling him, like every 10 minutes."

Reports from the scene suggest that the violence appeared to ease somewhat with the start of mid-afternoon prayers. But, some heavily armed extremist groups have already vowed violent retaliation against the army for ousting the country's first freely elected president.

Asad travels to Egypt frequently in search of inventory for her store; but, wonders if the unrest will impact travel as rumors are swirling about the potential for attacks at the airport. She is hoping to fly there, soon. But, for now, is resigned to waiting, worrying and watching Arabic TV for the latest information. She's also in touch with family on social media and via many frantic phone calls.

"I just was talking to my sister and she says it's really bad," says Asad. 'Just shooting, shooting, shooting… she say pray for us."

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