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KT's View from Surprise: Day 1

By Kevin Turner | @ktfuntweets

SURPRISE (105.3 THE FAN) -- Hello Metroplex,

Stay warm. If it makes you feel any better it's cold and rainy here in Surprise, Arizona. The Rangers canceled their scheduled intrasquad scrimmage due to the rain.

More baseball thoughts in a bit, but let's set the scene and talk about the events from the airport. I've never been a guy to check my bags at the airport. I believe that all people have certain quirks about them. One of mine, is that I don't like other people touching my stuff. It's not a trust thing, it's just that I like having things in my possession.

About a year ago when flying to Phoenix for the Super Bowl, the other hosts and personalities at the station were giving me hell for refusing to check my bag. "Come on KT, bags fly free, check your bag!". Due to the trauma I suffered that day, I chose to check my bag this time. For the first time ever, I checked my bag...and of course the airport, they lost my luggage.

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Waiting at bag claim, my luggage never turns up, so I had to file a report, give a lot of information, stop down the trip for about an hour, and then hope that it'd be delivered. I eased my mind a little by going and having some beers and playing some golf, and finally I got a call at night, notifying me that my bag would arrive soon.

I got lucky and got my stuff back, but losing my luggage is way up there on my "Things That Suck" Power Rankings.

The house is really nice. Program Director Gavin Spittle has been whipping up all kinds of goods in the kitchen, and I'm looking forward to dipping my toes in the heated pool.

Baseball wise, I've got a name to watch this spring. It's not exciting, but I think the developments of left handed relief pitcher Alex Claudio are very important. The Rangers currently don't have an established left-handed reliever in the pen, and in my mind Alex Claudio is very important for a number of reasons, most notably how it effects the rotation.

Ross Detwiler is the leading candidate for the #5 spot in the rotation, but he's capable of relieving. If no left-hander shows up and wins the job in the bullpen, then Detwiler might have to go to the pen to hold things down. There's a chain of events involved, and it's directly tied to Alex Claudio making the team out of camp. Keep an eye on that, as spring training starts to progress.

Until next time, I'm KT and you're reading a blog post.

I love you.

Kevin "KT" Turner is the producer of the Ben and Skin show on 105.3 The Fan, Mondays through Friday 3-7pm. KT wants you to know that he loves you.

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