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Judge Considering Planned Parenthood Injunction

AUSTIN (AP) - Planned Parenthood will ask a state judge to extend an injunction against Texas banning its clinics from the Women's Health Program.

Two weeks ago, the organization won a temporary order stopping Texas from banning clinics that have ties to groups that provide abortions. Planned Parenthood argues that since federal law prohibits such discrimination against health care providers, the judge on Thursday should stop Texas from enforcing the law.

Gov. Rick Perry has said the state will shut down the health care program for poor women if a judge says it must include Planned Parenthood. Perry said that Texans do not want public money going to clinics tied to abortion providers even if those clinics don't perform the procedure.

Planned Parenthood lost a similar case in federal court.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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