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Jones Leaves Door Open For Cowher Coaching Possibilities

IRVING (105.3 THE FAN) - Cowboys Owner/GM Jerry Jones likes Jason Garrett as his interim head coach.  But he is still just that.  Interim.

Jones addressed the possibilities for next season today on the heels of former Steelers coach Bill Cowher saying he is "open to listening to opportunities" and it wasn't exactly a "Jason is my guy" serenade from Jones.

"I explore all possibilities apart from anyone's announcement.  I always do.  I look for what ifs and things where individuals have expressed the direction they are going with their careers.  We have with our great tradition, there certainly is interest in what we're doing with our coaching.  On the other hand, they are very aware of how well Jason is doing at this juncture, the wins that we've had and so all of that comes to bare,"  Said Jones this afternoon.  "I really am limited on how far I can go with any comments because of our league rules so I'm trying not to get in a situation where I could be dealing with a punitive situation."

Does that sound like a ringing endorsement for Garrett?   Not to me.

Jones went on to say that experience is something he considers a lot. "I didn't when I came into the NFL, but I have a little problem with going to school with the Cowboys."  Which is exactly the situation he is in right now with Jason Garrett.  Garrett's head coaching experience so far, "takes is beyond a resume because it is so first hand.  I get to look at and analyze every aspect of what we're doing and that's a real advantage.  I'm not saying an advantage to him (Garrett), it is an advantage in helping make the decision."

This doesn't exactly sound like a man who is convinced that he has the next head coach of the Cowboys in hand.  So let the Cowher to the Cowboys talk heat up again.  Jerry just opened the door to that today.

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