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Jerry Jones Won't Trade Up For Griffin Or Luck

NEW YORK (CBS SPORTS) - There's a perception that Tony Romo isn't an elite NFL quarterback, and it comes primarily from one thing -- he's been underwhelming in big moments. The Week 1 fourth-quarter interception against the Jets, the two pick-sixes against the Lions, not to mention head coach Jason Garrett opting to run instead of pass late in the game against the Patriots. These are three examples from the 2011 season (all three losses, by the way), and it's enough for some fans to give up on Romo altogether.

One enterprising soul even asked Dallas Cowboys writer Josh Ellis about the possibility that the team would trade up in April's draft, perhaps taking Baylor's Robert Griffin III. Ellis answered, in part: "Jerry Jones explicitly said last week he wouldn't trade Romo for Griffin or Andrew Luck. So, on draft day, just hope Griffin doesn't end up in Washington."

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