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Jerry Jones Says He Could Name A Coach Tuesday

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) - Jerry Jones joined Jagger and Henson this morning on 105.3 The Fan and revealed that he is progressing at a fast pace in his search for a new head Coach.  "We are moving at a real good rate from a timing standpoint."


Jones went on to say that he expected to have a lot of this done by the end of today.  When pressed Jerry admitted that the bulk of the coaching search would be completed by Tuesday night and that an announcement was imminent on Wednesday regarding the status of Interim Head Coach jason Garrett.


When asked whether Jason Garrett had been contacted by another NFL club, Jones declined to comment but did say there was a process that had to be followed and he that his permission would be necessary for Jason Garrett to talk to another NFL franchise.


Jones was also asked who would attend the Senior Bowl over the weekend, his reply was "I've never missed one; I'm sure Jason Garrett will be there one way or another."


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