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Jerry Jones On Al Davis, Patriots, Romo And Rangers

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) - The Cowboys owner/CEO held court on his weekly show with New School on 105.3 The Fan. He covered many topics including the Cowboys vs Patriots match-up this weekend, being compared to other NFL owners - specifically Al Davis, the state of Tony Romo and his thoughts about the Rangers.

The Jerry Jones Show on 105.3 The Fan


Jerry Jones on the Pats: "Brady executes so well. He's so smart and knows what they want done offensively and knows where to go with the ball. Belichick is a coach who's balanced. We have to recognize New England's runningback. We have to limit them on the run. It's going to be a tough game."

His thoughts on the Cowboys so far in 2011: Like the way that "defensively the way Rob is using alot of our personnel and maximizing them." Also adds: "I really like the way our safeties are playing."

On the Al Davis public comparison Jerry has drawn: "I think that you certainly need to continually have input from people's ideas and you have to go with where the game is going, where the rules are, where the speed and talent is. It's not the same game that it was in the early 90's. I don't think that it had passed Al by yet."

On his expectations from Tony Romo on Sunday: "I think he'll play well. He's practiced well and he's better physically and he's certainly anxious to get back out there. I'm anxious for him to get back out there. I think he'll make good decisions."

And yes, Jerry Jones weighs in on the Texas Rangers: "Well I'm keeping up like we all are. Boy, was I proud to see them get that second game. I think we'll get one in Detroit. I'm proud of 'em. I don't have a favorite player but I like Ron Washington. I think he does an outstanding job; Pure baseball. Nolan is not only someone special in my eyes, but he's also a friend."

Listen to the Dallas Cowboys vs New England Patriots - Sunday at 12:00 p.m. on 105.3 The Fan

(Copyright 2011 by CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

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