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Jerry Jones: "In 24 Years, I've Experienced Boos"

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) - Jerry Jones has been around long enough to understand fans. And as the Cowboys trailed 23-0 in the second quarter on Sunday, it was pretty easy to understand why fans decided to boo the owner when he appeared in a video on the big screen.

"That gives a good opportunity to create some kind of reminder about the fact that we're not playing well and those are the people responsible for not playing well," said Cowboys owner/GM Jerry Jones during his weekly show with New School on 105.3 The Fan. "I accept that and I understand it now."

PLAY: The Jerry Jones Show on 105.3 The Fan


The 94,067 fans in attendance reacted to a breast cancer awareness video on the big screen share featuring him and Head Coach Jason Garrett.  But Jones understands the boos, and acknowledges that it's not his first time to hear them in his time with the Cowboys.

"Certainly in 24 years, I've experienced boos," said Jones, who remarked following Sunday's loss that he has been to "boo school" before.

Fans are unhappy with the team following yet another crushing defeat at the hands of the Giants - a 29-24 loss at home. The Giants are now 4-0 in Jerry's new Cowboys Stadium and the Cowboys are 3-4 following a 2-1 start to the season.

Despite the criticism, Jerry has confidence that his team is improving, though the progress might be lost on fans.

"I'm not saying it doesn't hurt to get booed, but that just goes with it."

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