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Jeb & George P. Bush To Speak In Austin

AUSTIN (AP) - George P. Bush is scheduled to introduce his father Jeb Bush at a dinner put on by the Texas Business Leadership Council.

The two men are expected to talk about education at the Tuesday night dinner. The former Florida governor is considered a possible contender for the Republican presidential nomination, and his son George P. Bush has announced that he will run for statewide office next year.

Neither of the Bushes has offered specifics about their future political plans.

Texas Republicans are excited about George P. Bush entering state politics because his mother is Hispanic, giving him an affinity for the fastest growing segment of the Texas population. Hispanics have overwhelming voted for Democrats in Texas.

Jeb Bush has presented a more moderate face of the Republican party.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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