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Jeb Bush To Address State Education Panel

AUSTIN (AP) - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is among the experts from other states set to address the Texas Senate Education Committee.

Houston Republican Sen. Dan Patrick chairs the committee and called Wednesday's meeting to discuss "best practices," or successful educational reforms outside Texas.

Patrick wants to dramatically expand charter schools, and also backs a voucher plan that would offer public money to families to allow them to send their children to private schools.

Bush has championed school choice in Florida but is largely seen as a moderate on many other key issues.

His son, George P. Bush, plans to run for statewide office in Texas next year. He hasn't said which one, but is leaning toward land commissioner.

The elder Bush is considered a possible contender for the Republican presidential nomination.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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