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It's Time For Jerry Jones To Speak

Dallas Cowboys v Carolina Panthers
Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys (Photo by Streeter Lecka/Getty Images)

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) -- Jerry Jones will speak this week at the NFL owners meetings in Arizona. With the Cowboys just $175,000 under the salary cap and unable to improve through free agency, it's time to answer the questions fan-fans want to know:

Why isn't the Romo extension done?

This was supposed to be the free agent key for the Cowboys. Tony Romo and his $16.8 million price tag would be restructured to give the Cowboys much needed cap space WHILE locking up a top 10 quarterback for the future. Why hasn't it happened? ProFootball Talk's Mike Florio joined New School last week and suggested that it would take a 3 year-$60 million deal to resign Romo. NO THANKS. Even if it means losing Tony for nothing after next season, you don't commit $20 million a year to a 32-year-old quarterback who is aging and has never won big.

Why doesn't Anthony Spencer have a new contract?

If the Cowboys want Romo and Spencer for the future, BOTH THEIR DEALS SHOULD'VE BEEN DONE BY NOW. Did they not get the memo at the start of free agency? Did they forget the NFL was hitting them with a $5 million penalty for restructuring contracts during the lockout? Did they think they were good enough to just sit back and watch the rest of the NFC improve? Why the delay? What has taken so long? I know it sounds crazy, but it's almost as if the Cowboys didn't have a plan for the off-season. Not a smart one anyway.

How frustrated is Jerry over not being able to spend?

There are some who say the Cowboys inability to spend saves Jerry from himself. "He can't sign the wrong player if he's not able to spend!!" I'd be curious to know if Jerry is content or going crazy having to sit on the free agent sideline.

Are you a better team today??

"We're just focused on getting better one day at a time."

Ahh...the NFL line teams love to shove down our throats. Teams can make moves and wait to let the season determine success or failure. Not the Cowboys. Does losing Dan Connor, Marcus Spears and Gerald Sensabaugh improve your team? Does franchising Anthony Spencer, extending Phil Costa and NOT extending Romo make you better than the team that finished last year in Washington, DC? By the time you answer no, Tony will be on the ground from another sack.

The Cowboys have gotten a pass for botching the off-season. Instead of wondering how they were going to spend, we were relieved they got under the cap. The Cowboys have handcuffed themselves, placing an ABSURD amount of pressure to hit big with their six draft picks. History suggests that won't be a saving grace. It's time to find out how the Cowboys are moving on from 8-8.

It's time for some answers Jerry...

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