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It Is Never Too Late To Go Back To School For One Dallas Educator

As a business management graduate from Oklahoma Baptist University, Dave Wilson knows what it takes to make things work. He also understood teamwork as a coach at Naaman Forest High School in Garland, Texas. So Wilson used both of the those experiences when he returned to school online to earn his master's degree in Educational Leadership from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas.

Why did you decide to go back and get your master's degree?

"I always wanted to go back and get my master's degree because I promised myself I would when I graduated college in 1993. But as life and career moved forward, that began to become much harder to go back. I had a principal I used to work for, Jimmy Trotter at Lowery Freshman Center in Allen, Texas who handed me a brochure for a master's program one day and told me that I needed to get this done because he felt like I would be a good administrator. Trusting this person as my mentor, I took the leap and it has been one of the best decisions I ever made."

You earned your master's degree online? Tell me about that experience.

"Earning an advanced degree online was a fantastic way for me personally to earn my degree. There was a 17-year gap between my bachelor's and master's degrees. It allowed me the freedom to continue to give my efforts to my position during the day, but allowed me to self pace myself throughout the duration of my program. Having the flexibility to be able to work, but still gain all the benefits of my master's program was invaluable to me as a working professional. I am not sure if I could have done it any other way."

What would you tell someone considering returning to school?

"Don't think about it, do it... The opportunities and pathways that earning your master's will create will re-kindle a passion and purpose in your career. It will also open up so many more opportunities to be successful and allow you to do work that give life meaning."

How has earning the master's degree benefited your career path?

"It has allowed me to be in a school district (Celina ISD) that is not only wonderful academically, but is a place where the school and the community work together to educate, and enrich our students' lives. We are in the kid business and being able to put my stamp on our future is a satisfaction I can't explain."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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