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ISD Director Believes Dallas Makes A Strong Effort To Improve Learning

Michael Tull is the director of the PRIDE Academy at the Quinlan ISD. Tull believes that continuing your education is important, not just for your job but also for your own personal growth.

Where do you work and what is your position?

"I work for the Quinlan Independent School District as the director of the PRIDE Academy and student leadership programs. PRIDE stands for Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort. The PRIDE Academy helps students in unique and often challenging situations get their high school diploma in a non-traditional setting."

What kind of degree do you have and what kind of degree is required for your particular job?

"I have a bachelor of science with an emphasis on education, history and kinesiology and applied anatomy from East Texas State University, a master of education with an emphasis on mid-management and a superintendent certification from Texas A&M, Commerce. I will complete a second masters in Christian leadership from Luther Rice Seminary with the completion of six more courses. A degree in education is required to teach and a master's degree in education with mid-management certification is required for a principal's position."

How do you think education has benefited you?

"I have benefited greatly from education. I want to always continue to learn so that I may increase my skills and understanding not just for my career, but to benefit me in every aspect of life."

What makes working in the DFW area unique for your particular field?

"I believe that educators in this area are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential in life. I know that educators across the nation do this, but Dallas makes a strong effort to use best practices to always try to improve on the quality of education being offered to the students. I believe the district I work in looks at the obstacles that face education and view the obstacles as a challenge that will be addressed in a positive way with a positive outcome for the students and communities that we serve."

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to pursue education as a career?

"The first advice I would offer is to have a strong love for children and a passion to want to make their lives better. I would recommend that you take some time to substitute teach or work with youth programs to gain first-hand experience working with children. I would also plan your field of expertise in education to be a field you enjoy and have a passion to teach others about. You should always grow in your profession through a continued education. Education is very rewarding."

Judy Serrano writes romantic thrillers at She graduated from Texas A&M Commerce with a BA in English. She is also a freelance writer for She lives in Texas with her husband, four boys and five dogs.

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