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Is It BP Oil On Texas Beaches?

New tests show not all of the tar balls that washed up on Texas beaches last weekend came from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  New testing will be done but tar balls originally thought to have come from the BP oil spill apparently didn't.  Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson says the origin of the tar balls really doesn't concern him right now.  "We're the state agency primarily and exclusively responsible for oil spills in a coastal environment and we are doing the same thing we would be doing no matter where they came from."  Patterson says more tar balls were reported yesterday in Galveston and on Boliver Peninsula and those are being cleaned as well, and tested for a point of origin.  Patterson says the only importance of finding out the origin of the tar balls is being able to hold BP financially responsible if the oil did indeed come from the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Is It BP Oil or Not

New tests show not all of the tar balls that washed up on Texas beaches last weekend came from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  New testing will be done but tar balls originally thought to have come from the BP oil spill apparently didn't.  Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson says the origin of the tar balls really doesn't concern him right now.  "We're the state agency primarily and exclusively responsible for oil spills in a coastal environment and we are doing the same thing we would be doing no matter where they came from."  Patterson says more tar balls were reported yesterday in Galveston and on Boliver Peninsula and those are being cleaned as well, and tested for a point of origin.  Patterson says the only importance of finding out the origin of the tar balls is being able to hold BP financially responsible if the oil did indeed come from the Deepwater Horizon spill.

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